Rakovsky Stanislav's blog
Positive-minded reverse engineer & malware researcher
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PHDays speech: 50 shades of PyInstaller

PHDays speech: 50 shades of PyInstaller

Friday, May 21, 2021

I reviewed the trends of 2020 and 2021 in the use of PyInstaller in malware. I provided statistics on the versions used, analysis of mechanisms for gaining persistence in the system, data theft, encryption, and communication with C&C. Special attention to obfuscation and how to deal with it.

Recourses from my PHDays 10 speech.

Speech on phdays.com

Record on thestandoff365.com

@ Rakovsky Stanislav
1 minute read
Dubna CTF 2021. Райтапы на задачи

Dubna CTF 2021. Райтапы на задачи

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Представляю райтапы на задачи отборочного этапа Dubna CTF 2021, проводимого между НИУ МЭИ и Университетом Дубны.

Список реализованных задач:

  • [0 pts, admin] 1_b3l13v3_wh4t_y0u_s41d
  • [516 pts, admin] 1_w1sh_1_c0uld_s3cur3_my_l0v3
  • [324 pts, forensics] 1_w1sh_t0_b3_gl4d_7o_s33_y0u_w3ll
  • [1000 pts, reverse] 1_w1sh_1_w1ll_r3v3rs3_y0ur_r3m0t3_4dm1n_t00l - в отдельном посте
  • [744 pts, web] 1_w1sh_t0_b3_g00gl3
  • [100 pts, web] 1_w1sh_t0_b3_y0ur_4l1b1
  • [100 pts, reverse] 1_w4n7_70_b3_c4lcul473d
@ Rakovsky Stanislav
6 minutes read


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